About Sesshin
Sesshin is a Zen Retreat. Sesshin means to connect or receive the Heart-Mind of the universe and all beings. It is a rare opportunity to practice in a more formal and extended way, to deepen the path of Zen. Our sesshins are residential retreats with private rooms, more formal practice, teacher interviews, dharma talks, chanting, and shared meals. Weather permitting, we walk kinhin outdoors to connect with nature. We maintain silence during sesshin to help all attendees maintain a contemplative mindset.
Our sesshin normally starts on a Thursday evening and concludes midday on Sunday. In order to provide the deep experience of sesshin, attendees are encouraged to attend all days and sittings. Some limited scholarships are available based on need. The cost is typically around $400 for food and onsite lodging.
Our residential sesshins normally fall in January, May or September. Since late 2024 though, we have been joining our sister sangha, Joyful Mind Zen Community for sesshins on their schedule. As details are available they are posted on this page. In the past, we have held our sesshins at the beautiful Wellspring Conference Center in Germantown MD. Joyful Mind holds them at the nearby and equally beautiful Dayspring Silent Retreat Center.
Couches around the fireplace are a popular spot for silent contemplation during breaks for rest practice.
Example Friday and Saturday Schedule
6:30 Kentan (Morning Greeting), Zazen w/ Kinhin (3 periods)
8:00-9:30 Breakfast and Rest Practice
9:30 Zazen w/ Kinhin (3 periods) Dharma Talk, Interviews
11:00 Tea Break
11:15 Zazen w/ Kinhin (2 periods), Interviews, Chant Practice
12:00-2 PM Lunch and Rest Practice
2:00 Zazen w/ Kinhin (3 periods), Interviews
3:30 -4:30 Work Practice or Arts Practice
4:30 Zazen and Stretch/Body Practice
6-7:30 Dinner and Rest Practice
7:30 Zazen w/ Kinhin (3 periods)
9:00 Evening Rest Practice
Sesshin Zendo
Our sesshin zendo setup with a beautiful view of the woods at Wellspring