Affiliated Sanghas
Joyful Mind offers in-person meetings in Rockville and Aspen Hill, MD, a weekly meeting on Zoom, Sunday zazenkais, and sesshins at the beautiful Dayspring Silent Retreat Center.
Based in Baltimore, MD Clare Sangha is a hybrid online/in-person zendo offering online zazen on weekday mornings, additional online sits during the week, hybrid zazenkai, and in-person sesshins.
Morning Star is located in Jersey City, NJ and offers Zoom zazen on weekday mornings and evenings, Saturday hybrid sits, and quarterly hybrid retreats.
Our sangha is part of the Zen Peacemakers International, and their Three Tenets of Engaged Buddhism are an important part of our practice. ZPI offers daily zoom meditations, councils, training, talks, and retreats.
Upaya Zen Center is a Zen Buddhist monastery located in Santa Fe, NM. Upaya offers online study groups and retreats, videos, dharma talks, and live streamed zazen on their YouTube channel. In person programs, retreats, and residential training in Santa Fe are also available.
Local Community Groups
Washington Ethical Society (our zendo hosts)
The WES Ethical Culture platform service is at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays in-person and on Zoom. They also offer volunteer opportunities, mental health and mindfulness groups, special interest groups, and SEEK: Sunday Ethical Education for Kids.
Zazen in Greenbelt at the Park - not meeting over the winter
Tuesday 3:00-4:00 p.m., weather permitting. Meet outside at Buddy Attick Park, in historic Greenbelt, Maryland right off the Beltway exit. Bring a cushion or chair. Zazen, chants, kinhin. For more information, email Valerie.
Morning Zoom Meditation Group
Monday through Friday 6:30-8:00 a.m. A self-organized group offering open meditation and discussions on Zoom. You may join anytime during the sitting period. Please enter and depart the virtual space in silence. Email Mike for more information and the Zoom link.
Greenbelt Multifaith Contemplatives
Monthly Zoom Meeting First Wednesdays, email Mike for information