The 16 Zen Buddhist Precepts
The Zen Precepts are not rules, but are reminders, or guidelines of harmonious living. They express broad aspirations for our own conduct, to help us live a more compassionate life.
Three Treasures
These treasures give us the heart and strength to practice the Way.
I Vow to be in Oneness with all (Buddha), I Vow to live in the teachings and realities of the diversity of Life (Dharma), I Vow to Live in Harmony with All Things (Sangha).
Three Pure Precepts
I Vow Not to Harm; I Vow to Do Good; I Vow to Benefit others.
Ten Grave Precepts
Being one with Life. Recognizing I am not separate from all that is. Supporting life. Non-killing.
Speaking Truthfully and Listening Deeply. Non-lying
Not speaking of the errors or faults of others
Meeting everyone on equal ground. Not elevating nor blaming myself nor elevating nor blaming others
Cultivating a Clear Mind
Not being stingy. Taking what is freely given and Giving freely of all I can. Non stealing
Not holding onto Anger
Engaging in connectedness with respectful intimacy and sexuality
Not disparaging the Three Treasures
Not sparing the Dharma Assets. Use all the ingredients of my life.
Precepts Study
Precept study is incorporated into our regular Wednesday practice. If you would like more information or guidance, please feel free to speak to one of our teachers.
Jukai Ceremony
One Heart Sangha holds an annual Jukai ceremony (taking and receiving the Precepts) for regular students. Speak to a teacher to ask about our next Jukai.