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Winter Mini Ango

One Heart Sangha is offering a 4-week Mini Ango. The Mini Ango provides a supportive structure to commit to an additional level of practice for a short and specific period of time. The primary purpose is to deepen your zazen practice, renew your commitment to the Dharma, and if you like, make a commitment to other practices that can help make positive changes in your life. 

Registration is open through February 7. Participation in the Mini Ango is free, though you can offer dana as part of your commitment.


How it Works

Participants commit to increased time and/or frequency of sitting zazen for the duration of the Mini Ango. For example, participants can pledge to sit one extra day per week or increase their sitting time. You can be specific about the amount of time you want to commit to each day (or specific days), or be more flexible and commit to a certain amount of extra zazen per week. In addition to increased zazen, participants may commit to other beneficial activities including:

  • Reading a book about Zen or a book related to your practice

  • Yoga

  • Volunteer work

  • Working on sewing a rakusu

  • Chanting the Meal Gatha before eating

  • Reciting the Five Remembrances, the Zen Precepts, the Heart Sutra or other sutra every day

  • Committing to a street retreat

  • Starting a Zen 108 practice (speak to a teacher about this)

  • Committing to a mindfulness practice (such as mindful eating, listening, driving etc.)

You can also commit to cutting back on activities that may hamper or interfere with your attention or practice. For example:

  • Consume less junk food

  • Spend less time on the Internet and/or social media

  • Get up and/or going to bed earlier

  • Watch less TV

Commitments should be realistic and attainable. It’s best to select one or two commitments that are manageable rather than selecting too many or taking on too much. 

In addition to the commitments, registrants will take part in four remote Way of Council meetings. The meetings provide registrants with an opportunity to share their experiences with each other and a teacher/practice leader, and to learn from each other. 

You may commit to a personal Mini Ango even if you do not have time to attend the Council meetings.

Mini Ango - Online Way of Council Dates

  1. Tuesday February 11, 6-7 PM

  2. Tuesday February 18, 6-7 PM

  3. Tuesday February 25, 6-7 PM

  4. Tuesday March 4, 6-7 PM

The Google Meet link will be sent to registered participants by email. Please contact Bruce Lindsay if you have any questions.

Earlier Event: February 8
February Zazenkai
Later Event: March 7
Joyful Mind Zen Community Sesshin