
One Heart Sangha is a community of individuals practicing Zen meditation in the Silver Spring metro area of Maryland.

We invite you to our weekly Wednesday evening Zen practice at our zendo near downtown Silver Spring - see our location. We also offer monthly Days of Zazen (zazenkai), retreats, and practice intensives.

We welcome all who wish to practice Zen. As a meditation community or sangha, we are friends on the path. People of different faiths (or of no faith) find Zen practice helps to deepen their own traditions, build connections, and to practice more contemplative ways of living.

More information is on our Zen practice schedule page and the Event calendar.

Who are we?

Our community began in 2006 with our founding teacher, Sensei Rose Mary Myoan Dougherty, empowered to teach and transmit the Dharma in the White Plum Asanga Soto Zen Buddhist lineage. One Heart Sangha “exists to support the ongoing meditation practice and compassionate presence of its members.”

We are committed to our shared humanity - celebrating diversity, equity, inclusivity and accessibility - and are an affirming community to LGBTQ+ persons.

Teachings are freely given. We rely on our donors for overhead and training support and are a 501(c)(3) tax-deductible organization. See our Donations page for information on how to give.


Bob JinGen Ertman, Sensei, Guiding Teacher

Rebecca MuSeiDo Hawes, Sensei, Guiding Teacher

Bruce SuiHo Lindsay, Dharma Holder

We ascribe to the White Plum Asanga Code of Ethical Conduct. We also have a Harassment and Grievance Procedure. We are governed by an elected board of directors (council) and bylaws. Our council meetings are open to all.

We are part of the Zen Peacemakers.